Saturday, October 26, 2013

not the droid i was looking for

Poor grammar aside, last year I bought an Android phone. A nice shiny Samsung. Great screen, good battery life, and widgets. Oh, I did enjoy the widgets! It was a good phone, and a good operating system.

Unfortunately, there is still one major flaw with Android devices.. they don't talk to Apple stuff nicely. I couldn't back up my phone to my computer, and the online backup with Samsung was awful. I was able to get an app that allowed me to sync my contacts, and some of my music. The old DRM-protected stuff was a no-go.  Apparently the only workaround to get a Droid to talk to Mac is buying lots of apps, downloading various systems, etc. Everyone seems to know that the kies software never really works on a Mac.. why?! Apple has iTunes for Windows, letting PC users backup their phone stuff.. but Android phone devs still can't get there. Maybe other brands are better? Not worth finding out.

So.. upgrade time and I am back to the iPhone. It talks to my computer. It plays all my music. I will miss the widgets, but now I don't have to worry about losing my data. :)

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Bouncing Back

It has been a rough year. I have had a lot on my mind, but most of it wasn't suitable for publication! I made it through, however. My divorce finally went through, and I got a decent settlement. Not a lot, but enough to fill the savings account back up, fill the oil tank and maybe get myself a few treats. I also have a full time job that pays better than most entry jobs.

I thought the job and the end of the divorce would be it, that I would bounce back. The truth is that I am still adjusting. I find myself tired a lot, still getting used to a new routine that involves early mornings instead of late nights. I haven't yet made it back to jujitsu, either.

Bouncing!? Nope.. I'm climbing back. Slow, but steady. I'll get there..back to my old activities. It is going to just take time. I have a new life in front of me, which is fantastic. I just have to remind myself that it is okay to take my time.
